Saturday, 28 November 2009

Skin care: how to prevent cold weather dry skin

Although many people consider dry skin unavoidable during the winter season, there are several easy ways and techniques to protect your skin, prevent it from becoming itchy and ashy, and keep it moisturized.
Every winter, that unpleasant menace dry skin plagues millions of people. They spend their days itching ashy legs, licking chapped lips, and nursing painfully cracked hands. Unfortunately, most of us consider this as unavoidable as snow in January. We bundle up, suffering and dreamily waiting for spring to come and chase away the problem. However, if you are prone to dry skin during the cold season, you need not resign yourself to your fate. There are several easy steps you can take to prevent it so that your skin is moist and beautiful year round.

The Cause Dry skin is the result of low moisture. If you watch the weather report on cold winter mornings, you have probably heard the weatherman talk about low humidity, the scientific term for a shortage of water in the air. This dry climate translates into dry skin, even for those who do not spend much time outdoors during the winter. The reason for this is that dry air sucks moisture out of the skin. In order to avoid having dry skin, you need to take measures to control the humidity in your environment and keep it locked into your skin.


A vital part of your skincare regimen, throughout the year and especially in the dry winter months, should be moisturizer. Lotions and body creams provide a protective layer on the skin, helping to hold in the water that keeps it supple. If you normally use a light body lotion, switch to a richer formula when the temperature drops. Doing so will feed thirsty skin and keep out the drying effects of the cold with a thin oily layer. Incorporate moisturizing into your daily routine, applying it directly after you have toweled off after bathing. Keep in mind that you should take a warm -- not hot -- bath. High temperatures, in the shower and out, lead to dehydration, which is the cause of dry skin. Choose an appropriate lotion for your face as well, both to keep it moisturized and to fight the signs of aging that come with thirsty skin. Wear chap stick, especially when going outdoors, to keep your lips from cracking in low humidity.


Your body needs moisture inside as well as out to keep the skin lush and healthy. For the sake of your health as well as your skin, consider kicking your habit for coffee, carbonated drinks, and tea (all of which are diuretics and can cause dehydration), opting instead for pure water. By getting the recommended six to eight glasses daily, you will keep dry skin at bay and will feel better all around.


Scrubbing dead skin cells from the body is undeniably one of the easiest ways to keep your epidermis looking delectable in all seasons. At least once a week, exfoliate your whole body with a loofah or body-polishing pad. Every three days or so, you should also use a mild exfoliant like an oatmeal soap or complexion scrub on your face. Pumice stones are great for removing coarse skin from the heels of the feet and are available at most drugstores. Just remember not to do any of these too often, which can irritate the skin, or scrub cracked or broken-out areas.

Humidity Control

As mentioned earlier, the weather indoors during winter can contribute to dry skin as much as outdoor temperatures. This is because electric heaters leach moisture out of the air, dropping humidity far below optimal levels. In order to replace environmental moisture, it is a good idea to set up humidifiers around the house. Choose a model with a humidity gauge and adjust the unit until it reaches between forty and forty-five percent humidity. Keep in mind that running a humidifier too high can create conditions in which mold thrives -- warmth and wetness -- so do not go too high. You can also feed water into the air by filling your home with plants. They release water as part of photosynthesis, so they can provide the benefits of a humidifier and air purifier in one.


When you venture outdoors during the winter, you undoubtedly don your cold weather gear. A heavy coat, hat, gloves, and boots protect you from wind, cold, and cold-induced dehydration. However, indoors few people take such precautions. While you certainly do not need a coat indoors, you do need to safeguard against moisture-leaching substances around the house. Never wash the dishes or work with household chemicals without putting on gloves. Take care of your feet when you are home, wearing cotton socks or slippers instead of going barefoot.

By following these suggestions, you can almost guarantee that your skin will never again suffer from extreme dryness through the winter months. If you find that, even with these preventative measures, you still experience excessively parched skin, it may be time to consult your doctor. Chronic skin conditions like eczema, although often more pronounced in the winter, are not directly caused by low humidity and require special treatment. However, for most of us, replenishing vital moisture will keep the skin supple even in the bitterest cold.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Natural remedies and Home remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes are a common beauty problem. These under eye dark circles give us an appearance of tiredness or illness. They make us to feel worse and are rather detrimental to our self esteem.

What are dark circles under eyes?

The skin below our eyes is very thin and is sparsely dotted with oil glands unlike the skin on rest of the body. Due to various reasons the skin under the eyes becomes thin and dry. Veins below eyes appear prominently when the under eye skin becomes dry and thin. This lends the area a dark appearance.

What causes dark circles under eyes?

There are various reasons which cause dark circles. Few of them have been listed below.


If others in your family have dark circles then there are fair chances of you getting dark circles under eyes. The thinness of under eye skin is a hereditary character. The thin under eye skin reveals dark veins underneath and appears
as dark circles under eyes.

If you are more prone to allergies like itching of skin which is inherited then dark circles under eyes may be caused due to rubbing and inflammation of under eye skin.

Lack of Sleep and Fatigue:

Partying all night, lack of sleep, fatigue, sinus infections, pregnancy all these may cause paleness of skin. Pale skin makes blood vessels to appear prominently and give an appearance of dark circles.

Structure of Bone

Eyes set deep in skull bones may develop ark shadow under them.

Exposure to Sunlight

Exposure to sun light increases the level of pigmentation and cause tanning. Same thing applies well for the skin under eyes. When skin under eyes gets exposed to sun it tans and appears dark.


Medications which cause dilation of blood vessels cause dark circles under eyes. Dilated blood vessels allow more blood to flow through them and these blood vessels look prominent through under eye skin which is very thin.


Poor nutrition leads to paleness of skin under eyes. Lack of essential nutrients in diet or poor diet causes discoloration of under eye skin.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause etc cause paleness of skin and this leads to appearance of dark circles under eyes.


As we grow old the skin under eyes become more dry and wrinkled. The wrinkled skin below eyes appears as dark circles around eyes.

Tips for Dark eye Circles

How to get rid of dark circle under eyes is the question that arises in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are solutions for under eye dark circles

1.Concealing the dark circles around eyes through make up techniques.

2.Avoiding use of bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.

3.Treat the cause of illness mentioned above.

4.Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.

5.Do not scratch the under eye skin.

6.Diet, which is rich in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes.

7.Lightly tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to

8.Increase the blood circulation.

Ayurveda treatment for dark circles under eyes

Accumulation of toxins in body cause dark circles.The ayurveda treatment for dark circle consists of two steps.

1.Body detoxification.

2.Skin rejuvenation .

Top Ten Home remedies for Dark circles under eye

1.Grate cucumber and squeeze fresh juice out of gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on eyes. This relaxes eyes and relieves tiredness of eyes. Considered as the best remedy for under eye dark circles.

2.The above process has been found to be effective when done using potato.

3.Apply a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal ) and turmeric powder (if you are not allergic to it) on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.

4.Drink plenty of water (more than 15 glasses)

5.Eat fresh fruits, green vegetables which are rich in fiber.

6.Sleep well at least for 7-8 hrs daily.

7.Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation. Pranayama reduces dark circles and increases glow of skin.

8.Avoid sweets and chocolates.

9.Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles.

10.Keep thin cold cucumber slices on eyes when your eyes are too tiered.

Improve the Health and Look of Your Skin

When people are trying to improve their appearance they usually think about weight loss, or about changing the way that their hair looks. Yet, one of the best ways to improve your appearance is by having lush healthy skin. Your skin is what you show to the world, and in helping to maintain it you will be doing a major thing to improve your projected self image.

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Improve the Health and Look of Your Skin

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Submitted Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gerald Fitz (1,612)
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When people are trying to improve their appearance they usually think about weight loss, or about changing the way that their hair looks. Yet, one of the best ways to improve your appearance is by having lush healthy skin. Your skin is what you show to the world, and in helping to maintain it you will be doing a major thing to improve your projected self image.

You can help to improve your skin through a good nutritional diet. When planning a diet to get the most out of your skin be sure to include essential vitamins. Vitamins A, D, and E are all important vitamins that help you to have more beautiful skin. Foods that really help your skin are lean meats high in protein like fish, poultry, and eggs. Also, fresh vegetables and fruits like avocados, cucumbers, celery, and cabbage are extremely recommended. While you can get a large amount of the essential vitamins and minerals to help your skin from a healthy diet it is important to also include a good multivitamin. A good multivitamins will help your body to get all the vitamins and minerals that are lacking in your daily diet. Not only will a good multivitamin improve your skin, it will also help you to have stronger and more attractive nails and hair. When looking for a good multivitamin be sure to find a vitamin with all of the nutrients that you require, and also try to find one that will customize to you. Many good vitamin companies make a gender specific vitamin that includes more nutrients that your body needs depending on your sex.

In addition to good eating habits that provide vitamins and nutrients that your body requires it is important to drink plenty of water. Water powers your body, and also helps your body to filter out the imperfections in your skin. A fully grown adult should try to drink at least a gallon of water (not juices or other drinks but pure water) to ensure the best results for their skin.

The sun can really cause serious short and long term damage to your skins natural beauty. Too much sun exposure will dry out your skin, and that will lead to your skin looking old and wrinkling will occur in many women. It is important to expose your skin to the sun for its health; vitamin D is produced when your skin is exposed to the sun's rays, and vitamin D is very important for healthy looking skin. One should not lie out in the sun for long extended periods of time, but should try to get sun in 10-15 minute increments. If you are going to be spending more time in the sun be sure to apply a good sunscreen. This will help to prevent sun damage that can lead to skin cancer later in life.

Other practice that should be avoided is excess weight gain. Controlling one's own weight is very important to the health of one's own skin. The stretching that occurs during weight gain will lead to strain on the elastic fibers of the lower levels of the skin. Stimulates should also be avoided. Drinking coffee, smoking, and alcohol consumption in excess can all be detrimental to the health of your skin.

Your skin is really what you present to the world. If you have healthy and beautiful skin, then you will have more confidence and happiness. When you are happy in your own skin, you feel like you can handle just about anything.

How to Apply the Perfect Eyeliner

Want to get your eyeliner perfect, it is easier than you think and it works for everyone. To acheive the perfect eyeliner keep on reading then try it yourself.


1Start by choosing the right color eyeliner. Do small dashes from the inner corner to the outer corner. You will get it perfect everytime. If you do a straight line without doing dashes you can mess up big time and nobody would want to mess up.

2Use the q-tip to smudge the eyeliner up to create a daytime look. This is an option and if you smudge your eyeliner then it gives you a smokey eye look.

3If you want to acheive a nighttime look then go over with liqiud liner and wing it out a little. To get the perfect liqiud liner then do small dashes across your entire lashline. It will make your eye look awake and pretty without doing a lot of work

How To Use Eggs For Beauty Treatments

You know how some people express extreme displeasure by throwing rotten eggs at public figures or wannabe entertainers whose voices jar their ears?

If the eggs aren't rotten, they would actually be doing the victims a favour instead.

You see. Fresh eggs are used as beauty treatments, to nourish hair and skin. Even if you don't eat them. Eggs are full of nutrients like
vitamin A
vitamin B12
vitamin B6
vitamin D
vitamin E
lutein & zeaxanthin
An egg is complete food.

It is all the food an unborn chick has for nourishment until it is ready to face the world. Hence, a dish made of eggs is a very nourishing meal for the entire family.

Applied on the face as a mask, it nourishes the skin.

The egg white contains just the protein and is excellent for oily skin, blemished skin and pimple prone skin. It gives the skin a temporary firming effect, like a face lift, as it dries. It appears to reduce the pore size, helping those with pimples, blackheads and blemishes.

Egg yolks are full of fat and hence are better for dry skin. A plus point is that yolk is very rich in retinol, which reduces scars, wrinkles and treats both eczema and acne.

For normal skin, both the white and yolk can be used together as a face mask. To make a face mask:

Whisk the egg white or egg yolk, or whole egg.

Then apply on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Rinse off completely with cool water.

Then cleanse and moisturize the face as per normal.

How to Get a Natural Makeup Look in 6 Steps

This article will provide tips on how to achieve a soft natural makeup look that is perfect for daytime or evening.

1Before applying makeup always make sure your face is clean. Start off using your normal facial cleanser. Rinse your face as usual but follow it up with splashes of cold water. This will immediately reduce morning puffiness and will tighten your pores.

2Next apply moisturizer that is formulated for day use. These typically are more lightweight than moisturizer intended for nighttime use. Let the moisturizer soak in completely.

3 Next brush on loose powder mineral makeup. Almost every brand name out there now carries makeup in loose powder form. This makeup is extremely easy to use especially if you use a large brush to apply it. It is a good idea to make sure it is dermatologist tested and noncomedogenic. Physicians Formula makes Mineral Wear that is excellent.

4Next apply a single coat of mascara. A soft brown or black depending upon your natural eyelash color is best. One coat allows lashes to look natural yet longer without too many clumps.

5Line the lower eyelids with a brown or charcoal color pencil eyeliner. Use the end of the pencil or the attached smudger to soften the line. Remember less is more. No raccoon eyes!

6Finally a soft shiny lip gloss with a clear or light tint finishes the look. No reds and nothing heavy will maintain a more natural look.

How to Get Perfect Makeup

Have you tried to match liquid makeup to your skin tone? Or have you broken out after trying makeup purchased from the drug store because of all the chemical ingredients? Is it impossible to cover blemishes with your current makeup? Try mineral makeup and achieve flawless looking skin while avoiding fillers, chemicals, and preservatives. It is creamy mineral powder that nourishes skin and feels weightless while giving you a perfect looking complexion.

1 Apply foundation. Choose a bareminerals foundation powder that matches your skin tone and apply with a dense large head brush (kabuki brush). Tap a little powder onto the foundation jar’s cap and press and swirl the brush in the powder. Apply all over your face in a small circular motion.

2 Apply warmth bronzer. Use a loose large head brush (full flawless face brush). Apply a small amount over face, neck, and d'ecollet'e. Contour your face by applying to the contours/hollows of your cheeks. This baremineral makeup warmth bronzer will give your skin a natural glow.

3 Apply blush. Use a loose large head brush and lightly brush blush diagonally from the apples of your cheeks (the rounded area that pops up when you smile) to your temples. This will give your skin a natural, light blush.

4Apply mineral veil. Use a loose large head brush and apply all over face to reduce any shine and give your skin a natural finish.

5 Cover dark circles and imperfections. Use a maximum coverage concealer brush to brush foundation powder over dark circles, blemishes, and any skin imperfections. This max coverage brush will camouflage all your flaws.

6Apply eye shadow. Choose a tint and shade of one hue, preferably a neutral hue. Apply the tint all over the eyelid up to the brow bone. Apply the darker shade to just below the brow bone.

A Step By Step Guide To Sexy Smokey Eye Makeup.

A Step By Step Guide To Sexy Smokey Eye Makeup.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 1: Choose your eye shadow colours.

The traditional smokey eye makeup colours are, of course, black or grey. You are however not limited to these colour choices, you can also use less intense colours such as: violet, chocolate, coffee, dark pink, copper, dark green, dark blue or purple.

Remember when choosing eye shadow shades that colours should be chosen keeping in mind your eye colour, hair colour and skin tone and not the colour of the clothes you wear.

For smokey eye makeup you will need to choose 2 colour coordinated eye shadows. A darker feature colour and a lighter supporting colour.

For smokey eye makeup what feature colour eye shadow best suits blue eyes ?

For Blue eyes, in addition to black or grey, violet, purple or dark blue eye shadow will look great. The dark blue eye shadow in particular, as it will be darker than your eye colour, will accentuate your blue eyes.

For smokey eye makeup what feature colour eye shadow best suits green or hazel eyes ?

For Green or Hazel eyes, in addition to black or grey, try a deep khaki, dark green, brown, purple or plum colour eye shadow.

For smokey eye makeup what feature colour eye shadow best suits brown eyes ?

For Brown eyes, in addition to black or grey, copper, coffee, and brown will give you a great smokey eye effect.

Once you have chosen your feature eye shadow colour you need to choose your supporting eye shadow colour. If you prefer to use single eye shadows, rather than a colour coordinated duo or triple eye shadow, choose a light colour eye shadow that matches your feature eye shadow colour. Possible colours to choose from, for a soft sophisticated look, are: lilac, light peach, champagne, taupe, nude or a sand color. For a more dramatic high contrast look you could use a whitish colour eye shadow.

Smokey eye makeup tip: Use powdery eye shadows. Do not use creamy texture eye shadows as they are more difficult to smudge and blend.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 2: Choose your eyeliner pencil.

Choose a soft eyeliner pencil of the same colour or a complementary shade to your feature eye shadow.

Smokey eye makeup tip: If possible choose a Powderliner eyeliner pencil. They are easier to blend and are sometimes available with a sponge tip for easy blending.

Smokey eye makeup tip: Never use liquid eyeliner. Liquid eyeliners are better for sharper lines, not a soft and sultry finish.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 3: Apply your foundation base.

Normally you would apply your full foundation before applying your eye makeup. This is not the case when doing smokey eye makeup. You should apply your eye makeup first, that way if you get some of your eye shadow on the rest of your face you won’t ruin your foundation. This also helps avoid a raccoon eye look under your eye. For smoother eye shadow application, that lasts longer, you do however want to first apply a thin layer of foundation to your eyelids followed by a thin layer of face powder to set the foundation. This will give you a clean canvas for your eye shadow and will also help to prevent the eye shadow from creasing. This will also give you more even, accurate, eye shadow application.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 4: Apply your eyeliner.

Line both the top and bottom rims of your eyes with your eyeliner pencil. Typically you would use a black or charcoal eyeliner pencil but you can also use a dark eyeliner pencil that matches your feature eye shadow colour. Make sure to go into the eyelash line itself (near the root of your eyelashes). Be sure to fill in any bare spaces between the eyelashes. Start from the inner corner of your eyes with a fine line. As you go outwards towards the corner of your eye make the line heavier. If you have any hard lines from using a heavy eyeliner pencil you will want to lightly smudge the line so it is softer and less harsh looking. This step is made a lot easier by using a Powderliner eyeliner pencil with a built in sponge tip for smudging.

Smokey eye makeup tip: Dark colors trend to make small eyes look even smaller. You can open your eyes up by applying eyeliner starting from the middle of the bottom eyelash line, rather than the inside corner, and going to the outer corner of the eye. If your eyes are not smallish feel free to apply the eyeliner from corner to corner.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 5: Apply your eye shadows

Using your larger eye shadow brush apply your supporting eye shadow colour to your eyelids, up to the base of your eyebrows.

Now, using your feature eye shadow colour, and your small eye shadow brush, apply your dark feature eye shadow onto the eyeliner and then blend it upward to the crease of your eyelid. When blending your feature eye shadow keep as much of the colour intensity as possible along the eyelash line and particularly in the outer corners of your eyes.

Smokey eye makeup tip: Remember smudge and blend so the eyeliner and eye shadows go together seamlessly.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 6: Apply your mascara

Smokey eye makeup tip: Curl your eyelashes before applying mascara, this opens your eyes up.

Apply 2 or 3 coats of black mascara applying the mascara in thin coats to avoid clumping.

Smokey Eye Makeup Guide Step 7: Complete your smokey eye makeup look

Complete your foundation being careful not to mess up your beautiful smokey eyes.

Keeping your lips neutral gives smokey eyes their real impact. Use a flesh toned lip pencil and a pink or caramel shade of lipstick or lip gloss to give your lips a subtle finish.

For your eyebrows you can use your normal eyebrow pencil. You could also use a shade darker than normal to complement your smokey eyes.

Apply a subtle finish of rose or tawny blusher just to the apples of your cheeks blending away to the edges into your hairline. This finishes the face without competing with your smoldering smokey eyes.

Enjoy your sexy, smoldering smokey eye makeup look !

7 Great Steps to Have the Perfect Makeup

1 Do not wear too much makeup! It means that to enhance features not bring attention to you will be done by the makeup. That is what too much wearing of makeup will do. It will just bring unwanted attention to you. Never wear too thick eyeliner it will just make you look overdone and will just ruin your whole packaging. Avoid using too much mascara for it looks unnatural and it will flake. Make sure that your foundation is the same as your skin color. You must blend it well and remember that it meant to protect and give your face a smooth look. Avoid having obvious lines due to uneven blend of your powder. Ew!

2 Always apply a lip liner to completely cover the lips and then add color and your lipstick will definitely stay much longer. However, make sure that your lip liner does not show and the color matches your skin tone. If you want to make your lips appear small then stay inside the outline of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips look larger, going outside the natural outline of your lips is recommended.

3 Make sure to wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. For instance, you are going to the beach you should not wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. And of when you are in daylight your makeup should be a lighter than when you are out for the evening.

4 Your perfect overall look. When your makeup is completed it should look natural. That simply means avoiding color that clash. If you have dark skin and hair you will look better in darker shades, light colors will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colors will be better to you. if you have oily skin, it is better to use first oil control moisturizer and foundation then be sure to wear lose powder and then retouch if necessary.

5 Wearing makeup takes a lot of calculation. If you are unsure start with the light colors and then start slowly. Add one product at a time. You can start with foundation then mascara then blush on and lipstick.

6 Your hair color. It should be in harmony with your skin. If you have a dark complexion then keep it close shade with you makeup. However if you have light hair, use light colors. As you age lighten up your makeup for it to look better and natural.

7 Lastly, always keep your makeups looking fresh and vibrant retouch when needed to get that perfect model look.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Hair Care

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Home Remedy for Hair Breakage

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2010 Hair Color Trends

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Short Hairstyles For Round Faces

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Short Haircuts For Curly Hair

Short haircuts look especially grand and stylish on curly hairs. Go through this article and know all about the best short hairstyles that would suit those with curly hair.

Pros And Cons Of Hair Extensions

Using hair extensions has its own pros and cons. Read on to explore the advantages & disadvantages of hair extensions in detail.

How To Bleach Hair Blonde

Bleaching your hair blonde is often a tricky task, as you need to do it with precision, while avoiding any mistakes. Explore this article to get tips on how to bleach hair blonde.

How To Get Rid Of Nits

Nits are the eggs laid by lice and unless removed, lice will resurface once the eggs are hatched. Explore the article to find some home remedies for nit removal and know how to get rid of them.

African American Hairstyles

African American hairstyles can be sassy, sporty, traditional, elegant, sexy, and the list goes on. Explore the article to find the most popular African American haircuts and take your pick.

Styling Tips For Wavy Hair

Wavy hair looks sexy and is easy to maintain. Read on the article to know styling tips for wavy hair.

Short Hairstyles For Fine Hair

Long haircuts may not go well with your fine thin hair, as they can easily expose the lack of volume. Explore the article to know some trendy short hairstyles for fine hair.

How To Bleach Your Hair

Bleaching your hair at home can save you from spending a lot of time and money in a salon. Go through the tips given in this article and know how to bleach your hair.

Hairstyle Tips For Curly Hair

You are blessed with natural curls, but they are difficult to manage and styling them is a big pain for you? Explore the article for some valuable hairstyle tips for curly hair, listed just for you.

How To Do Twist Hairstyles

People prefer to do twist hairstyles, as they are long-lasting and look very stylish and elegant. Explore the article to know some simple tips on how to make twists in your hair.

How To Permanently Straighten Hair

Tired of your curls and frizzes? Want to do permanent hair straightening? Read on to know tips on how to permanently straighten your hair in a safe way and flaunt your revamped look in style!

Trendy Hairstyles For Women

The article brings you some of the stylish hairstyle ideas for 2009 which are making a tremendous statement in the fashion circles. Read on to know the trendy hairstyles for women.

Natural Remedies For Grey Hair

Grey hair mushrooming in parts of your head give you sleepless nights, but it's pretty easy to treat them with natural remedies. Explore the article to know some home remedies for graying hair.

How To Grow Dreadlocks

Growing dreadlocks naturally is the best way to get the no-fuss hairstyle, without spending a lot of bucks. With this article, explore tips on how to grow dreadlocks.

How To Use Hair Clippers

It is easy to learn how to use hair clippers and with some practice, you can even experiment to give different styles to your hair. Explore the article to know some useful tips on using hair clippers.

How To Buy A Wig

Buying a wig would not only solve all your hair issues, but also enhance your self esteem by miles. Go through this article to get some effective tips on how to buy a wig.

Hairstyles For Men With Thinning Hair

A winning way for men to look stylish and elegant, even with thinning hair, would be to get a trendy hairstyle. With this article, explore some haircut styles for men with thinning hair.

How To Choose The Right Hairbrush

Choosing the right hairbrush plays an important role in determining the health of your hair. Go through the article, to get valuable tips on how to choose the right hair brush.

How To Choose The Best Hair Stylist

Your hair are the one of the most telling aspects of your personality and therefore, need the best stylist. The article brings you some valuable tips on how to choose the best hair stylist.

Natural Hair Conditioners

Natural hair conditioners are not only better than the market-bought ones, but also lighter on the pocket. Read on to explore some natural hair conditioner recipes.

How To Straighten Hair With A Blow Dryer

Straight hair is a rage amongst women, especially because straightening your hair with blow dryer is quite easy. The article gives some useful tips on how to straighten hair with a blow dryer.

Causes Of Hair Loss

The causes of hair loss may range from natural hair fall to certain psychological conditions. With this article, you will get to explore the most probable reasons behind hair loss.

How To Style Your Hair With Gel

It is quite easy to use styling gel on your hair, for that cool and funky look. Read the article to know tips on how to style your hair with gel, in the most trouble-free way.

How To Prevent Split Ends

Are you wondering how to prevent split ends? If yes, then explore this article and get effective tips for preventing split ends.

How To Get Rid Of Hat Hair

Do you struggle to keep your hair in their usual style once you take off your hat? Read the article for some valuable tips on how to get rid of hat hair.

How To Make Herbal Shampoo

Herbal shampoos have been used for ages, to ensure good growth and health of hair. Explore the recipe given here and know how to make herbal shampoo at home, to suit your hair type.

How To Get Rid Of Highlights

Are you looking for tips for getting rid of the once 'stylish and trendy' hair highlights? If yes, then this article would be of help, as we have listed effective tips on how to get rid of highlights.

How To Style Curly Hair

Styling curly hair is not difficult, but most of the people are not aware of their proper handling. Explore through this article some exclusive tips on how to style curly hair.

How To Deep-Condition Hair

Are you wondering how to deep-condition your hair, to make it lustrous and radiant? If yes, then go through the article and explore the best deep conditioning hair treatment.

Getting Tangles Out Of Hair

Getting tangles out of your hair is a task that is easier said than done. Go through this article to know how to get tangles out of your hair without much difficulty.

Straighten Your Hair Naturally

Straight hair is one of the most sought-after accessories, which every girl desires to have. With this article, know how to straighten your hair naturally.

Everyday Hair Care

Everyday hair care ensures that your strands remain full of strength and luster. With this article, you will get to explore useful daily hair care tips.

How To Curl Your Hair Without Curlers

Is curling your hair without the use of curlers possible? Yes, it is. Read on to find out how you can curl your hair without curlers.

Haircuts For Different Face Shapes

In order to choose the best haircut styles for yourself, you need to keep your facial shape in mind. Go through this article and explore haircuts for different face shapes.

Short Trendy Hairstyles For Men

Short trendy hairstyles for men always remain in vogue. In this article, we have given some of the trendy short haircut styles for a man, which are sure to make heads turn.

How To Pin A Chignon

A chignon hairstyle is easy to make and looks perfect for almost any and every occasion. Go through this article and explore instructions on how to pin a chignon.

How To Choose Men's Hair Styles

choosing haircut styles for a man becomes easy, once you know what aspects to look out for. Go through this article and get easy tips on how to choose men's hair styles.

How To Choose A Hair Color That Suits You

In this article, we have provided some tips that will help you in choosing the right hair color for yourself. Go through them and know how to choose a hair color that suits you.

Hair Care In Heat And Humidity

Are you looking for some hair care tips in relation to heat and humidity? If yes, then go through the article and know all about taking care of your hair in summer & monsoon.

Toning Blonde Hair

Toning blonde hair comprise of one of the steps that you will need to undertake for maintaining it. Read on to explore how to tone your blond hair.

Caring for Permed Hair

Caring for permed hair requires you to undertake some extra efforts on your part. Go through this article and get instructions on how to care for permed hair.

How To Use Hot Rollers

Using hot rollers comes across as very easy, once you are able to lay your hands on the right tips. Go through this article to know how to use hot rollers.

Homemade Dandruff Shampoo Recipe
For all those who want to know how to make homemade dandruff shampoo, the recipes given in this article will come handy.

How To Keep Frizzy Hair In Check

There are number of tips that can help you deal with frizzy hair effectively. Browse through this article and find great tips on how to keep frizzy hair in check.

Make Your Own Hair Gel

Homemade hair gel is not only inexpensive, but also better for the health of your hair. Go through this article and get information on how to make your own hair gel.

How To Kill Head Lice

If you want to know how to kill head lice, this article is just what you need. Find out information on natural ways to get rid of head lice.

Micro Braid Hairstyles

Micro braid hairstyles are a part of the latest trend. Explore the article to learn all about micro braid hairstyles and get some tips on maintaining them.

How To Feather Hair

The feathering technique is applied to make the hair look like soft feathers. Know how to feather your hair, by going through the easy directions given in this article.

How To Do Hair Extensions

Using hair extensions is a fast and effective way to make the hair look lengthier than usual. Check out the instructions given in the article and learn how to do/put human hair extensions.

How To Dye Roots

Do you want to know how to dye the roots of your hair? If yes, then check out the instructions given in the article and learn how to color the roots of your hair.

How To Create Wavy Hair

Using mousse and triple-barrel curling iron will be the best bet to make your straight hair wavy. Learn how to create wavy hair, with the instructions given in this article.

How To Create Pin Curls

Doing pin curls at home is easy, the only condition being that you should have the right instructions. With this article, you will know how to create pin curls at home.

Greasy Hair Care Tips

The home remedies for greasy hair mainly concentrate on reducing the production of oil in the scalp. Explore this article to get some surefire greasy hair care tips.

Homemade Hair Spray Recipe

If you want to know how to make your own hair spray, this article will prove useful. Go through it and explore the homemade hair spray recipe given here, just for you.

Cornrow Styles For Men

If you are a man and want to make a different style statement, check out the cornrow styles. Go through this article and explore cornrow hairstyle ideas for guys/men.

How To Detangle Curly Hair

If detangling your curly hair is driving you nuts and consuming too much of your time, this article is just what you need. Read on and explore tips on how to detangle curly hair easily.

How To Dye Your Dreadlocks

Do you want to know how to dye your dreadlocks in the best possible way? If yes, then the tips for dying dreadlocks, listed in this article, will surely prove handy to you.

Hair Conditioning Tips

Conditioning your hair is very important if you want to maintain the strength and vivacity of your hair. Go through this article and find a number of tips for conditioning your hair.

Natural Hair Coloring Ideas

Natural hair coloring helps the hair attain a different hue, while maintaining its strength as well as texture. Let us get some ideas on best natural hair color products.

Medium Layered Hairstyles

Medium layered haircuts are versatile, enhancing the appearance of the face and making the hair look lively. To know all about medium layered hairstyles, check out the tips given in this article.

Haircuts For Thick Hair

Thick hair may become difficult to manage, if they are not given a nice hairstyle and stylized properly. Go through the article and check out ideas on the best haircuts for thick hair.

Cool Punk Hairstyles

Do you want to look different from the crowd? If yes, then follow the haircut fashion for punks. To know more, check out the cool punk hairstyle ideas given in this article.

How To Make A Messy Bun

While making a messy bun hairstyle, make sure that you pull out a few strands, to get the desired look. With the instructions given in the article, you will learn how to make a messy bun.

How To Straighten Thick Hair

Although the process of straightening thick hair takes a lot of time, you will find it worthwhile after completing it. Learn how to straighten thick hair, with the tips given in this article.

Haircuts For Plus Size

Haircuts for plus size women minimize the roundness of the face and make them look attractive. Go through the article, to know more about the hairstyles for plus size women.

How To Make Twists In Hair

Are you wondering how to make twists in your hair and attain the latest 'in' look? If yes, then go through the hair twisting technique mentioned in this article and become stylish.

How To Make A Loop Hair Bow

Making loop hair bows at home is extremely easy and gives you the options of customizing your bow as well. Read on to explore instructions on how to make a loop hair bow.

How To Curl Short Hair

Curling short hair is as easy as stylizing it. Go through this article and get information on how to curl short hair.

Short And Sassy Hairdos

The trendy short and sassy hairdos are easy to maintain and re-create. Explore the latest short sassy haircut styles in this article.

Hairstyles For Elderly Women

Apart from complementing hair texture & facial shape, hairstyles for elderly women should mask the lines and wrinkles on their face as well. Read on to explore haircut styles for older woman.

How To Get Rid Of A Perm

Getting rid of perms can be an easy process, if you follow certain basic steps. Go through the article, to get information on how to get rid of a perm, without much effort.

Homemade Conditioner

A conditioner helps maintain the softness as well as the volume of your hair. In this article, we have provided a number of recipes for homemade hair conditioner.

How To Cut Boys' Hair

Cutting a little boy’s hair is very easy, which can be performed by a non-professional as well. Check out the article to know how to cut boys' hair.

How To Grow Long Hair

Growing long hair isn’t any magic - it just needs patience and care on the part of a person. Go through the article, to get some tips on how to grow your hair long.

Types Of Braids

Braids can vary from
the simple ones to those that are a bit complicated. Explore the article and get information about the different types of braid hairstyles.

Hairstyle For Small Faces

If you have a small face, you should choose a hairstyle that can add fullness to your facial shape and make it look larger. Explore the article to know the best haircut styles for small faces.

Long Hairstyles For Men

Long hairstyles for men have been in vogue since a long time. Explore the article to know about the most popular, long haircut styles for guys.

How To Curl Long Hair

The best & easiest way to curl long hair would be to make use of hot sticks. Through this article, we will provide your instructions on how to curl long hair easily.

Proper Way To Wear Headbands

Headbands make a great style statement and are also easy to sport. Go through the article, to know how to wear headbands in a proper way, so that you get the right look.

Semi Permanent Hair Coloring

Semi permanent hair coloring is a good way to get a different look for a few days. Go through the article, to know more about what is semi permanent hair colour and what are its advantages.

Hairstyles For Thinning Hair

Finding a right hairstyle / haircut for thin hair can be a difficult task. Read this article to know the tips and tricks that can camouflage your thinning hair and make them look fuller and thicker.

How To Create A Long Hairstyle

Are you looking for some ideas to style your long hair? Go through the article to get help on how to create a long hairstyle.

Haircuts For Normal Women
Are you looking for some trendy hairstyles for women? Go through the article, to know some haircuts that would enhance the looks of a normal woman.

Hairstyles For A Bridesmaid
The hairstyles for a bridesmaid should simple, yet stunning. Go through the article to know some easy to do bridesmaid hairstyles.

Sexy Hairstyles
Right hairstyles complement your look and define your personality. Read this article to find some sexy hairstyles that are in vogue this season.

Hairstyles For Older Women
Some hairstyles are in sync with the maturity of older women, making them look elegant as well as sophisticated. Know more about the popular haircuts for an older woman.

Semi Formal Hairstyles
Semi formal hairstyles work perfectly for every occasion, be it formal or informal, giving just the right look. Go through the article, to get some ideas for semi formal hairstyle.

Haircuts For Teenage Girls
Hairstyles for teenage girls have undergone a lot of variation over the passing years. In this article, we have given some of the most popular haircut styles for a teen girl.

Hairstyles For Little Girls
There is a lot of variety in hairstyles as far as little girls are concerned. Explore the article and learn about the popular haircut styles for little girls.

Simple Everyday Hairstyles
Everyday hairstyles are very simple and easy to manage. Read the article to check out the simple everyday hairstyles.

How To Straighten Curly Hair
Want to know how to straighten curly hair? Check out some easy tips for straightening curly hair.

Hairstyles For Heart Shaped Faces
Choosing a suitable hairstyle for heart shaped face can be a difficult task. Here are some hair styles you can experiment with, to get a new look.

How To Get Static Free Hair
Getting rid of static electricity in your hair is a fairly easy task, provided you are aware of the right tips. Through this article, we intend to help you know how to get static free hair.

How To Get Volume In Your Hair
Are you wondering how to get volume in your hair without damaging it? If yes, then read the article and check out the tips that will help you add volume to your hair.

How To Prevent White Hair Discoloration
If you want to know how to prevent white hair discoloration, read the article. Learn the steps for preventing your white hair from discoloration.

How To Color Hair Blonde At Home
Are you interested in knowing how to color hair blonde at home? Go through this article and find tips on coloring your hair blonde at home.

Hair Color Trends 2009
Go through this article and get all the information on the popular hair color trends for 2009.

Hairstyles In 2009
If you want to know about the hairstyles & haircut trends that will be popular in 2009, this is just the place for you. Read on and explore the hairstyle trends for 2009.

Hairstyles For Oval Faces
Those who have oval face are often confused about the haircut style that they should flaunt. Go through this article and explore tips on hairstyles for oval faces.

Dealing With Bad Haircut
Dealing with a bad haircut is not a difficult thing; you just have to be aware of the tricks to hide the mistake. Read on to know more on how to deal with a bad haircut.

How To Get Scene Hair
Amongst the many hairstyles 'emo people' love to have is the scene layered haircut. In this article, we will tell you how to do emo scene hair.

How To Layer Hair
Though it is a difficult task to perform a layer haircut, some effort on your part can make the task easier. Find out how to cut a layered hairstyle.

Homecoming Hair Styles
Are you wondering what hairdo you should indulge in for homecoming? Go through the article and explore ideas on homecoming haircut styles.

How To Cut Women's Hair
Are you wondering how to give haircut to a woman? Find out tips on giving haircuts to girls.

How To Give Men's Haircuts
Haircut is an important aspect of a person’s personality. Check out tips on giving haircuts to guys.

Home Remedy For Bleaching Hair
Are you looking for some home remedy/natural remedy for bleaching hair? Go through the article to find some tips for homemade hair bleaching.

Hair Dos & Don'ts
Taking care of your hair is very easy, provided you keep certain basic tips in mind. Go through this article and get some do's and don'ts for hair care.

Men's Trendy Hairstyles
Men's trendy hairstyles can range from the short, classy ones to the long, shoulder length tresses. Check out some trendy haircut styles for guys.

Home Remedies For Dull Dry Hair
Home remedies are the best treatment for dull dry hair. Read on to know some effective homemade remedies for dull hair.

How To Tease Hair
If you are looking for instructions on the best way of teasing your hair, this is just the article for you. Go through the lines that follow and know how to tease your hair.

Sexy Hairstyle For Men
The guys of today are conscious about their looks, which include haircut styles. In this article, we have provided information on sexy hairstyles for men.

How To Get Blonder Hair
Blond hairs can be fun and can give you a new look. Check out how to make your hair blonder.

How To Get Emo Hair
Emo is one of the wackiest and easy to maintain hairstyles. To know how to get emo/do hair, read the tips provided in this article.

Hairdos For Long Hair
Are you looking for instructions on some easy to do hairdos for long hair? Just go through this article and take your pick.

How To Remove Iron And Rust From Hair
Check out tips for removing iron and rust from hair.

Summer Hair Cuts
A good hair cut not only makes you look beautiful, but also complements your personality. Find out about the hottest hairstyles for the hot summer season of 2008.

How To Punk Hair
Punk hair styling is an unconventional yet trendy fashion form. Check out information on punk hairstyles and know how to make your hair punk.

How To Use Flat Iron
Using flat iron for straightening your hair is not a very difficult task. In the following lines, we have provided a number of tips to help you know how to use flat iron.

How To Curl Thick Hair
Curling can really add zing to your thick hair. To know how to curl thick hair, read the tips given below.

Causes Of Hair Breakage
In this article, we tell you the reasons for hair loss. Read on to find out the causes for hair breakage.

How To Enhance Natural Curls
There are certain ways in which you can enhance the natural curls in your hair. In this article, we tell you how to enhance those natural curls in your hair and how to take care of those curls.

How To Get Long Curly Hair
To get long curly hair, it is important to follow some basic hair care tips. Find out information on growing long curly hair.

How To Do A Quick Weave
In case you want to know how to do a quick weave, read the article given below. Given below is vital information on how to make a quick weave.

How To Scrunch Your Hair
Are you looking for some easy way to scrunch your hair? Read this article to get some awesome tips and know how to scrunch your hair.

Modern Haircuts For Girls
Hairstyles completely revamp your personality. Given below are some modern day hair cuts and styles for girls/women.

How To Color Black Hair
In case you want to know how to color black hair, check out this article. It provides information on black hair color techniques as well as tips for choosing hair color for black hair.

How To Prevent Frizzy Hair
There are a number of home remedies that can help you in preventing frizzy hair. Just read this article and know how to prevent/stop frizzy hair.

How To Do A Bun Hairdo
Are you looking for instructions on how to do/make a bun style hairdo? Browse through this article and get all the information that you desire.

How to Fix a Bad Hair Color
Having a bad hair color is an experience that can leave you on the lookout for fixing solutions. Check out the tips given below and know how to fix/correct a bad hair color.

Caring for Curly Hair
Taking care of curly hair is not easy, especially if you do not know the right tips and follow the right guidelines. Explore this article and know how to go about caring for curly hair.

Popular Hairstyles For Men
Funky hairstyles are not just for women, but for men too. Check some of the most popular haircut styles for a man.

How To Keep Your Hair Straight In Humidity
Hair usually become curly or wavy during the humid season. Find out how to prevent curls in humidity.

How To Make Hair Grow Faster
How to make hair grow faster is the biggest query on women’s side. Given below are some useful ways for making hairs grow faster.

How To Tie Hair In A Bun
This article is for all those who want to know how to tie or put hair in a bun. Read the steps provided here and get information on how to make a hair bun.

How To Do A French Twist
If you want to know how to do a French twist, this article will suit your need perfectly. Given here are complete tips to help you make French twist hairstyle.

Easy Hairstyles For School
There are many easy hairstyles for little girls going to school. Check out how to do easy & quick hairstyles for school.

How To Use Curling Iron
The days of wondering how to curl your hair with the use of a curling iron are over. Read this article and explore great tips on using curling iron.

How To Get Deep 360 Waves In Your Hair
Deep 360 waves was a popular hairstyle some decades ago that is now making a comeback. Here are tips for getting deep 360 waves in your hair.

Short Hairstyles For Thick Hair
People with thick hair can easily wear short haircuts. Check out some cool short hairstyles for thick hair, given below.

Long Emo Hairstyles For Girls
Long emo hair styles are a raging fad amongst the girls of today, for achieving the punk look. Check out some long emo haircuts and hairstyles for females.

Men’s Dreadlock Styles
With time, the dreadlock styles for guys have also undergone changes. In this article, we provide you with information on men’s/male dreadlock hair styles.

Highlights For Dark Skin
People with a dark skin or complexion must select their hair highlight carefully. Check out some ideas for dark skin highlights.

Boys Hairstyles
Boys usually sport short hairstyles/ haircuts. However, keeping in mind the flow of fashion, we have provided a few cool, yet simple haircut styles for boys.

Male Emo Hair Styles
One of the most popular punk hairstyles for youngsters comprise of the Emo hair style. Check out the latest Emo hair styles for men/guys.

Micro Braiding
Micro braiding is the process of getting the hair braided in a large number of thin braids. Read on to know how to micro braid.

Post Wedding Hair Care
Your hair need extra care on the day after wedding. Check out tips on post marriage hair care.

Shag Hairstyles
Shag hairstyles are the most chic hairstyles in the fashion world today. Know more about short and medium Shag haircut styles.

Hairstyles for Teens
Being experimentative, teens can stylishly carry off almost any kind of hairstyle. Read to know about different cute and trendy hair styles for teenagers.

How To Cut Bangs
Wondering how to cut or trim your own bangs? Check out information and tips on cutting hair bangs.

Long Hair Cuts
Long hair cuts not only look good, but also provide a great deal of versatility as far as styling is concerned. Check out some popular haircut styles for long hair.

Haircuts For Square Faces
Haircuts for square faces should be chosen keeping in mind that they don’t accent the jawbone. Read on to explore the best hairstyles for a square shaped face.

Care For Colored Hair
Caring for colored hairs is very necessary for ensuring that they look beautiful. Read the tips given below and know how to care for color treated hair.

Brunette Hairstyles
Brunettes have a wide variety of hairstyles or hair cuts to choose from. To know about some stylish Brunette haircut styles, read on.

Hair Color For Dark Skin
Hair color for dark skin tones can be easily figured out by paying attention to yourself. Know more about the best hair colors for dark skin.

Cute Hair Styles
Cute hair styles or cute hair cuts are very much in vogue nowadays. Check out some of the latest cute haircut styles.

How To Make Hair Thicker
Thin hair can be made to grow thicker provided you follow certain disciplined steps and alter your lifestyle for the better. Here’s how to make hair grow thick.

How To Weave Hair
Hair weave is a popular practice that is adopted by many to add volume to their hair. Here are some hair weaving tips.

Types Of Perms
If you’re keen on getting your hair permed, then check out different types and styles of perms to complement your looks.

Kids Hair Cuts
There are many simple and easy to maintain hair cut styles for kids. Read on to know about different kids haircuts.

Medium Length Hairstyles
There is a complete range of hairstyles for mid-length hair. Moreover, medium length haircuts suit nearly all women. Read more about medium length hairstyles.

Dreadlocks Using Beeswax
Dreads hairstyle can be easily made at home using beeswax. This article provides step by step instructions on how to make dreadlocks.

Hairstyles For Thin Hair
Having thin hair can be sadly unfortunate, but right haircuts can make them appear thicker and fuller. Read this article to get good hairstyles tips for thin hair.

How To Cut Your Own Hair
Cutting your own hair is a great way to make sure they remain healthy and also save money. Tips on how to cut your own hair easily.

Face Shapes
Knowing what type of face shape you have will help you accentuate it better with a suitable hairstyle. Here’s how to find your face shape.

What Not To Do When Loosing Your Hair
Till now, you must have read articles on what to do in case of hair loss. In this article, we have provided information on what not to do when loosing your hair.

Curly Hair Cuts
Curly hairs have their own charm. Check out some latest curly haircut trends & styles in India.

Zulvera is one of the best herbal shampoos available in the market. Find out more about Zulvera herbal hair shampoo.

Punk Hairstyles
Punk is one of the trendiest hairstyles in fashion nowadays. Check out some latest punk hair styles for boys.

Choppy Haircuts
Choppy haircuts are easy to maintain and lend a playful look to your face. Check out short and long choppy hair styles.

How To French Braid
French braid is an easy and popular way of braiding long hair stylishly. Follow the instructions given in the article to French braid your hair.

Homemade Shampoo
Homemade herbal shampoos are an easy way to make sure your hair is not damaged by chemicals. Check out recipe on how to make homemade shampoo.

Men Hair Coloring Trends
For the most of Indian male population of the 21st century, hair coloring is not a new trend anymore. Let’s take a look at some cool and latest hair coloring trends for Indian man in 2008.

How To Style Thin Hair
If you are searching for best hairstyles for fine and thin hair, your search ends here. Check out how to style thin hair.

Hair Dye Tips
Natural Hair Color Dye contains roots, leaves and barks, making it safe to use. Check out tips for dying your hair.

Latest Trends In Men’s Hairstyles

Got bored of your old hairstyle? Don’t worry. Just read on to know the latest trends in men haircut and various hairstyles prevalent in India.

How To Trim Split Ends

Trimming split ends is quite easy and does not require you to go to the salon every time. Read on to learn how to trim split hair ends at home.

How to Trim Hair

Trimming long hair is quite easy and requires just a bit of practice. Check out how to trim hair.

Hair Coloring At Home

Availability of hair coloring products in the market has thrown open the easy and less expensive option of dyeing one’s mane by oneself at home. Read about hair coloring tips & techniques at home.

Hairstyles For Round Faces

A number of factors are taken into account to create that perfect hairstyle for a person with a round face. This article tells you about important hairstyle tips for a round face

How To Curl Your Hair

Apart from gaining on the style quotient, curling straight hair is great way to add body to any hair type & length. Read this article to know how to curl straight hair using simple curling irons.

Different Hairstyles In India

Are you keen on trying out different types of Indian hairstyles? Read about the different hair styles in India.

Hair Style In 2008

Wondering what kind of hair styles would be in for 2008? Get information about the hottest hairstyle trends for 2008 right here.

Henna Hair Color

Henna Hair Color - Henna for Hair, Henna Hair Dye Color, Heena Hair Coloring Tips

Hair Perm

Wondering how to perm your hair? Read this article to get tips about what to do and what not to in order to get yourself a mesmerizing hair perm style.

Wedding Hairstyle

Wedding day hairstyles transform the entire personality of a young bride. Read ideas for bridal hair style & Updo.

How To Make Your Hair Shiny

Your hair is an important part of your appearance. If your hair does not look good, your entire appearance can be ruined. All of us would like to have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. But like a number of other beauty secrets many of us do not know how to make our hair shiny. Different hair textures need different ingredients to make it shiny. Healthy, shiny hair enhances the beauty of a person.

Fine Hair : for fine hair look for a shampoo with wheat proteins and polymers. These ingredients coat the hair shaft making it look thicker. Use spray volumizers. These are light enough and will deposit a light mist of shine in the form of droplets without wilting your hair.
Normal Hair : for normal hair use a shampoo that has silk amino acids, this softens and repairs hair structure. Lecithin restores hair texture. To add shine you can use gels and creams. First apply the product on your palm, rub your hands together and pat gently on to your hair.
Thick and Coarse Hair: Use pomades they will not only make your hair shiny but will moisturize your hair as well.
Tips For Shiny Hair
Use heat-activated shampoo
Deep condition at least weekly
Don’t use a lot of styling products as they can dull the hair by coating it.
Use Strawberry hair mask: mash eight strawberries with one-tablespoon mayonnaise. Massage this into washed but damp hair. Cover it with a shower cap and then a warm towel. Wash out with a shampoo and then condition. This mask will give your hair a rich gloss.
Increase the shine in your hair by giving your hair a cool blast of air to seal the cuticle after it is completely dry. If the cuticles are ragged then your hair will not shine.
For blonde hair use a few tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water. This will make your hair shiny.
For brown and red hair add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.
For shiny hair you can also mix one teaspoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water. After shampooing, pour the mixture through your hair, but do not rinse. Dry as normal.

Home Remedy for Hair Breakage

he broken hair strands on a comb can give you heartache, as they reveal that your hair is generally loosing its volume and appeal. Hair breakage is an obvious result of damaged hair and the general hit and trial method of using expensive products does not work for many. A lot of us go wild switching from one expensive product to another, but they don’t seem to take care of the problem. Moreover, there is always a fear of the other side effects of these products. So, what to do? Simple, explore the home remedy for hair breakage and save your crown without taking tension. Read on to get some of the easiest remedies for hair breakage and get relief from this traumatic experience.

Best Natural Treatments For Hair Breakage

Hair Massage
Hair breakage needs a little extra care while massaging and hence the massage has to be gentle. Warm any of the natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil and gently massage your scalp with it. Hot oil treatment will moisturize the hair and leave it smooth and soft, by replenishing the lost moisture. These oils also make hair it strong as they are rich in Vitamin E; an essential component for hair growth. Leave the oil on your hair for sometime. You can even dip towel in hot water and cover your hair with it. Now, wash it with a shampoo and condition it.

Balanced Diet
The fiber obtained from fruits and vegetable provides sufficient amount of protein that can keep the hair stronger. Drinking ten glasses of water each day also hydrates the hair. Take vitamin E, C, zinc and silica rich diets and see your hair long, strong and shining in not time at all

Egg Yolk Treatment
In a small bowl, combine one egg yolk and 2 tbsp of olive oil. Now, mix them well, using a fork for the purpose. Apply the mixture on wet hair, while concentrating on the ends. Be sure to avoid your scalp. Keep the mixture on your hair for 1-2 hours and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Now, wash your hair with a shampoo and condition it.

Vitamin E Treatment
The vitamin E treatment is a very simple and effective way to treat hair breakage. Just take about five or six vitamin E capsules and combine them with your favorite shampoo and proceed to wash your hair as usual. You can even add them to your oil, massage your hair with the same and wash your hair after a couple of hours.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp, by cleaning the pores and hence, prevents hair breakage and loss, making them healthy, beautiful, and strong. Muddle up Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat gram oil and coconut milk and use it as a shampoo on your hair. You will be able to see the results within a matter of weeks.

The traditional Indian herb henna acts as a natural conditioner that effectively works in maintaining healthy hair. It heals the hair pipe by repairing and sealing the cuticle and protecting the hair against breakage and loss of shine. Mix sixty grams of henna leaves and 250 ml of mustard oil and boil it. Now filter the mixture using a cloth and store it. Massage the scalp regularly with this oil.


Avoid any shampoo with harsh chemical contents, as it will damage your scalp and hair. Instead, use a natural or baby shampoo.
Avoid shampooing your hair everyday, as it strips it off natural oil. Rinse your hair well after shampooing, as it will prevent the residue from clogging up the pores.
A conditioner protects the hair, by coating it with a creamy layer that saves it from harsh sunlight and pollution. Squeeze a 4 to 6 vitamin E gel tablet in the conditioner and use it to avoid hair breakage. People with oily hair should use hair serum instead.
Lock up all your styling products, like gel, straightner, color and rollers, for sometime. They will only add to your problem of hair breakage, by outing extra stress on hair.
Brushing your hair with soft-bristled brush spreads the natural oil from the scalp to the hair, promoting blood circulation that helps in hair growth.
Avoid brushing your hair when it is wet. Pat your hair dry after washing, instead of rubbing them with towel. Use wide-toothed comb for the purpose, as it will discourage hair breakage.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

How to Care for Oily Skin

Shiny and greasy to the touch are characteristics of oily skin. This type of skin normally has large pores and is caused by glands that overactive and produce too much secretions. This can lead to many problems on the skin. Following are a few tips on how to care for oily skin.



Skin structureBegin with washing the face at twice a day or three times if possible.

2 Regularly cleaning the face is important than using a cleanser. Avoid soap and products with alcohol as the soap can irritate the skin by over drying it. Also, if you are constantly having acne problem, you may want to use a salicylic acid based cleanser.

Remember to take off your makeup before going to bed, particularly for those that suffer this type of skin. Makeup blocks the pores and keeps the skin from breathing properly, which can lead to skin problems, like the development of black heads or pimples. Get in the habit of removing your makeup no matter how late you get home or how tired you are.


Treatment for oily skinIf you use a toner, make sure it doesn’t contain alcohol. Toner can help eliminate residue from the cleanser and make you feel good on the skin.

Oily skinIt is still important to use a moisturizer, even if you’re having trouble with oily skin. Moisturizers formulated for your skin type is best, which will help hydrate and keep your skin dry after other products have done their job to minimize the secretions.

Good news for you, if you have this type of skin: Oily skin is generally resistant and strong. It is less prone to develop expression lines or wrinkle.

Other steps for you to consider are: (1)Reduce stimulants, like hot spices. (2)Use peeling and cleansing mask once or twice a week. (3)Use sauna to help regulate the oil glands in the skin. (4)Do not remove blackheads and pimples yourself as it may cause skin damage.

7 Visit a dermatologist or a beautician if you are severely troubled by your oily skin. A beautician will choose treatments for you according to your skin condition.

How to Control a Shiny and Oily Face

Many people have oily shine, while others get a shine that is associated with hot weather and humidity. Whatever the cause of your shiny greasy looking face, there is help. Follow these steps to help control oil and/or shine on the face.


Begin each day with cleaning your face with an oil free facial cleanser. Be sure to pat it dry, rather than rub.


Next use an alcohol free, toner or astringent for the face. Simply dab on with a cotton ball. Pay special attention to the T-zone. This is the forehead, the nose and chin.


Skipping moisturizer is best for oily skin, but if it is a must be sure to use an oil free type.


When applying makeup, use oil-free products. Finish the look with an oil-press powder. The powder has the capability to absorb some shine. Don't over do the makeup.


Carry around blotting papers to absorb extra oil, and shine when out and about. If you can find these, simple with tissue paper will work. Just be sure to get a softer, better grade. This will freshen up your face when in a bind, and is easy to carry around.
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