Sunday, 6 December 2009

Dietary treatment for oily skin

The first part of dealing with oily skin problem is also in realizing that what you are undergoing is a natural process of the glands of the skin moisturizing your face. Puberty and adolescence, the ages between 12 and 18, are usually the times when you face the most issues with oily skin. This is because of the hormonal surge in the body during that time. Naturally, with improper skin care, this over secretion ends up causing acne, which can lead to further cosmetic problems if not taken care of properly. However, at the age of 24, an oily face is not the result of only hormonal surges. Ideally, the best treatment would just be to clean your face when the oiliness irritates you, but in a very bad case the use of an astringent might be necessary. A simpler solution also lies in intelligent substitution of oils. This concept can be better understood when you understand skin oil production better.
Skin oil is medically called sebum and is secreted by the sebaceous glands. Sebum’s chemical composition is chiefly triglycerides and essential fatty acids – therefore the oily consistency of it. The level of activity of the sebaceous glands is controlled by factors like weather, hormones, and sometimes the levels of fat intake. Diet does play a small role in the activity levels of the glands as can be seen in people who indulge in fructose and chocolate. Both of these tend to stimulate hormonal release that further goes on to stimulate the sebaceous glands. Therefore, cut back on the junk food and stay off saturated fat. This will basically end up restricting your diet to a vegetarian one and possibly just fresh fruits and salads with the occasional indulgence in junk food and soft drinks. Seafood is also permitted as this is a rich source of vitamin E.

Apart from the dietary measure, there is a curious mechanism in the skin that you can exploit to your advantage. Sebum secretion tends to reduce when the skin is saturated. Therefore, if you substitute the natural skin oil with another type of oil, you might be able to beat the oiliness. Olive or almond oil are good substitutes and are easily absorbed in the skin. If this is too messy, just use a moisturizer like Shea butter or coco butter. If all else fail, use an astringent like dried tea in wet tea bags dabbed on the face.

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