Control oily skin by eating healthy skin care diet
Oily skin can be a real bane at times. Apart from the obvious aesthetic repulsion, its sticky nature will also attract dust and dirt and cause them to cling onto the skin. This will not only cause the skin to look unclean, but could also give rise to other problems like blocked pores. Oily skin is primarily brought about by the over production of sebum, an oil produced by the sebaceous glands located under the layers of skin. The excess oil will accumulate over the skin causing it to look greasy. If unattended to, it could cause blemishes and pimples. If a particle of dust enters a pore on the skin, it could lead to a blockage that prevents the sebum oil from reaching the skin. Since the sebaceous glands are already over – productive, they will build up behind this blockage at an increased rate causing a pimple to form on the outer layer of skin. The pimple will contain some bacterial infection as well and, if proactively opened, could lead to an outbreak of acne.
When treating oily skin, the efforts are primarily focused on removing the excess oil while making sure that the skin does not become too dry. Most of the time, the best way to accomplish this is to change what you eat. Foods rich in proteins but have a low composition of sugar; fluids and salt are highly recommended. Increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and grains are helpful as well. A deficiency of Vitamin B2 is known to have a major role in the development of oily skin. Keep your skin hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. 3 liters a day should be more than enough, but may need to be increased depending on weather conditions and rate of evaporation of moisture from the body. Aloe vera has a number of healing properties for the skin and can also help in controlling oily skin problem. Lavender water will also help tremendously with oily skin. Try spraying a little lavender water on your skin several times through the day. Smoking causes the pores in your skin to become larger and it impairs the overall health of the skin so breaking this habit would help reduce skin oiliness. Avoid the excess use of soap to wash your face. While once a day is fine, washing your face with soap more often will rob your skin of its natural oils and cause the sebaceous glands to produce even more sebum.
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15 years ago
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