Saturday, 5 December 2009

Top Tips for Ayurvedic Skin Care

Thanks to globalization, there has been a rediscovery of alternative medicine. Among the many options offered by the market, there is ayurvedic skin care. This "new" kind of skin treatment is original of India, a land where civilization has existed for thousands of years. No wonder then that they created skin treatments. However, how can ayurvedic skin care tips can help you? And what is the relation between skin discoloration and ayurveda?

The first step for understanding the relation between ayurveda and skin is to learn what this branch of alternative medicine is about, the possible treatments that exist for the skin and why is it that, centuries after the industrial revolution, we have just started to hear about it.
What Is Ayurvedic Medicine?
Also known as Ayurveda, this form of alternative medicine was developed in the Indian subcontinent. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of when did this type of medicine appeared. What we know, right now, is that as far as 9,000 years ago, teeth were being drilled in that zone of the planet.

Ayurveda is a combination of two words, ayus, which means life, and veda, which means knowledge. Hence, Ayurveda can be described as the Science of Life. The concepts of ayurvedic medicine were written by Agnivesha in his book, Agnivesha tantra and they were later adopted by Charaka, another therapist, who included it in its book Charaka Samhita.
The Basics Of Ayurvedic Medicine
The main base of ayurvedic medicine is that the body should be approached as a whole. This holistic view is combined with the precept that determined vegetables, animals and minerals have medicinal values that can be applied to humans. The properties of each one of these ingredients have been carefully recorded by hundreds of practitioners for thousands of years.

There are many examples of how these ingredients and mixtures can help your body in the recovery or treatment of all kind of diseases. For example, there is Shirodhara. The principle of Shirodhara is the pouring of liquids in the forehead, the place were, supposedly, out third eye is located. Curiously, it is also used by spas as a relaxing method.

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